Casebook 10 April 2005


CSU-CHILL Casebook: 10 April, 2005

Significant spring storm forecast for the general area. The CHILL and CASA test bed radars conducted intercomparison scans as rain echoes became widespread over the area around midnight local time on Saturday, 9 April 2005. After the CASA tests were done, the CHILL began general 360 PPI volume scans that alternated with RHI scans centered over NCAR's Marshall field site. These surveillance scans began at 0730 UTC. Precipitation later changed from rain to snow around dawn on Sunday, 10 April. The most intense snow fell during the morning hours; most activity tapered off by Sunday afternoon. Note: The CHILL LDR values look suspect when two gate range averaging was used. (Range averaging was used during essentially all of the surveillance scans after 0730 UTC).